Fly Fishing
You stand chest-deep in the surf, your right arm upright and weaving like a snake. The wet fishing line glistens as it arcs back and forth in the evening light. With a final thrust you play the out line, landing the fly where a slight ripple on the surface has caught your eye. Seconds later…
Free Camping! Top Wilderness Camping on Vancouver Island
The Ministry of Forests and forest companies on Vancouver Island operate a number of wilderness camping sites that are accessible year round for free. These sites do not offer water but they are free. Some sites have firepits, pit toilets and picnic tables. Some have a boat launch and wharf. For detailed location and directions…
A Trout Tale
A STEELHEAD LESSON LEARNED By Dave Hadden Steelhead anglers often develop a certain degree of expertise relative to locating and catching their quarry. This comes about through a combination of factors involving experiences, observations, successes, failures and lessons learned from other anglers. Some anglers, however, seem to be slow learners. Here is my favorite story…