The Ultimate Kayaking Routes on Vancouver Island
Whether you’re an experienced kayaker or a first-timer, Vancouver Island has literally thousands of spots where you can paddle away a day, a week or longer. Before you put in the water, check for water conditions, skill level needed for specific routes, tides and currents. While you can put in anywhere, here are some of…
Freshwater Fishing Locations
With hundreds of lakes and rivers, Vancouver Island offers plenty of opportunities for freshwater fishing. Many lakes are stocked, mainly with a variety of trout including rainbow and cutthroat. The Ministry of Fisheries publishes an annual booklet on freshwater fishing. Available at and marine stores, this booklet tells you what restrictions apply. Note: Some areas…
Elk Lake Park
‘Elk’lectic Lake By Jeremy Leete Patiently watching his rod tip, looking for the slightest quiver, Josh awaits his next bite. Fingertips soiled in fish egg slime, he brings his half-smoked cigarette to his lips and takes a satisfying drag. “Any luck so far?” I inquire. “Lotsa bites,” he mutters without turning his head. “These rainbows…