Category: Top Things to Do
Saltwater Fishing
A brisk February wind blows off the Pacific Ocean as you wander the docks of Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island. The halibut season is under way. Your charter operator helps you aboard the boat, hands you a cup of steaming coffee and points the bow seaward. The halibut, he says, are being…
Fly Fishing
You stand chest-deep in the surf, your right arm upright and weaving like a snake. The wet fishing line glistens as it arcs back and forth in the evening light. With a final thrust you play the out line, landing the fly where a slight ripple on the surface has caught your eye. Seconds later…
A Trout Tale
A STEELHEAD LESSON LEARNED By Dave Hadden Steelhead anglers often develop a certain degree of expertise relative to locating and catching their quarry. This comes about through a combination of factors involving experiences, observations, successes, failures and lessons learned from other anglers. Some anglers, however, seem to be slow learners. Here is my favorite story…
The Ultimate Kayaking Routes on Vancouver Island
Whether you’re an experienced kayaker or a first-timer, Vancouver Island has literally thousands of spots where you can paddle away a day, a week or longer. Before you put in the water, check for water conditions, skill level needed for specific routes, tides and currents. While you can put in anywhere, here are some of…
Freshwater Fishing Locations
With hundreds of lakes and rivers, Vancouver Island offers plenty of opportunities for freshwater fishing. Many lakes are stocked, mainly with a variety of trout including rainbow and cutthroat. The Ministry of Fisheries publishes an annual booklet on freshwater fishing. Available at and marine stores, this booklet tells you what restrictions apply. Note: Some areas…
The Magic of East Sooke Park
Drifting Towards the Elements By Sandy Carter We walk with purpose along the dirt trail and come to a large fallen Douglas fir. I adjust the strap on my tripod so it rests securely on my back and position my camera protectively. Placing both hands on the trunk for balance, I raise my leg up…
Where to Ski on Vancouver Island
Mount Washington Mount Washington is legendary in North America for its crazy amount of snowfall. An average year will see over 10 metres of snowfall. That’s over 30 feet! Providing choice terrain for those on a snowboard or skis, the runs vary from steep and difficult to extremely kid friendly (including a series of new…